SUBJECT : English Language
TOPIC : Writing for Communication
Record is a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past especially, an account kept in writing or some other permanent form. For instance, School record which is a documented statement of facts about persons, facilities, proposals, and activities in and around the school.
To keep a record is to keep an account of facts, events or programme of activities in and no it of the school. Eg activities for a weekend, a birthday, a speech and prize – given – day etc. Facts and events may be written down and kept in diaries or record books or they may be typed out and stored permanently in a computer etc. And managed in a way that access and retrieval will be easy when need arises. Records are written in concise and accurate forms. Some are presented in the form of graphs and charts.
There are many kinds of records which are kept by the schools. They are called school records. School records refers to all the documented information that exists in a school. The documents that contain such vital information are classified according to the type of information they contain. The title of each documents reflects its contents. Some of these records are so vital that they cannot be replaced without destroying their original value. Below are some of the school records stipulated by the Public Education Edict 1974.
- Register of admission progress and withdrawal
- A register of attendance
- Log book
- Syllables
- Diaries (scheme of work and log book)
- Lesson note and plan
- Time Table
- Punishment book
- Reward / Recommendation book
- Staff records
- Staff attendance register
- Visitors book
- Cash account book
- Record of progress
- Minutes book or file
- Staff movement book
- Transfer and leaving certificate
- School inventory book
- Inspection report file
- A copy of the National Policy on Education
The facts in this record are entered under fifteen (15) headings provided in the register. These include ; students admission number, name, sex, date of birth, date of admission, home address, name and address of last school attended (where applicable) the class attained in that school, details of transfer certificate from previous school, outgoing transfer certificate number (where applicable), date of leaving the school, cause of withdrawal (where applicable), records of conducts year by year in the present school. State of origin, Local Government Area of Origin.
If properly kept, the register of admissions serves the purpose of revealing how students are progressing, the school population, the character, ability and responsibility of a student while in the school, the number of students who have been admitted and the number that have left.
This is a record of students daily attendance and each class teacher keeps it. The facts entered in this record include; pupils admission number, name in alphabetical order relative to other students, handicap if any, age, fees paid, daily attendance in two columns, weekly total attendance, term total attendance and total attendance in the year. It is marked up at the beginning of the day (morning) and in the afternoon usually after the break period. The class teacher makes a summary of attendance for the whole period at the end of the term. The terminal fees are also entered in this register. The Principal or his/her appointee checks and signs this record as correct accordingly.
In entering this record, names of girls are usually written in red ink while names of boys are written in blue. Attendance register is often left open for 30mins after time call to accommodate late comers who would have been erroneously marked absent from school
This is a permanent record of important events in the life history of a school. It contains information on courtesy visit by important persons in the Society, victory in inter – school state, National and international sporting and academic competition (i.e National award to the school) the dates of opening and closing of term, date of examination and classifications are also recorded in the log book by the Principal.
This is a document which shows subject by subject, the topic to be taught and the depth at which each topic should be treated. It provides the source from which subject teachers draw their scheme of work.
This is made up of two parts, the scheme of work and record of work done. Diaries give information on schemes of work for the various class levels in the school. It also contains weekly records of topics taught for every subject. It provides weekly report of classroom instructional activities for every term of a school session. Each teacher is expected to draw up a scheme of work showing week by week, the work he/she proposes to do in each subject. The scheme of work is usually drawn from the syllabus. By drawing scheme of work, the teacher gives equal attention to all subjects for his/her class. Allowance should be made for revision and examination. The scheme of work should be drafted before the school year, in which it will be used or at least before the school term open and should of course be put into immediate use. It should be modified in the light of experience or due to change of syllabus.
Record of work is an honest written statement, showing lessons taught weekly by the teacher. Whereas scheme of work is prepared before work begins, record of work comes after the actual teaching has been completed. Record of work helps the classroom teacher to know how far he or she is progressing, as well as guide a new teacher who is standing in for an absent teacher or replacing a transferred or dead one. A new teacher posted to the school, falls back to the record of work for information on what is covered and therefore where to commence his/her teaching.
Just as the scheme of work is drawn from the syllabus, so is the lesson note or plan, drawn from the scheme of work.
A lesson plan or note is the plan and organized amount of subject matter and learning activities that the teacher communicates or presents to the learner in class for a period of about thirty – five to forty minutes (35 – 40 mins).
Lesson note/plan demands that teachers should select topics from the scheme of work and write very clear lessons with specific and measurable objectives. It demands that teachers should show evidence of previous knowledge possessed by students, which are relevant to the new lesson (entry behavior). A break down of the lesson content into step-by-step logical sequence, indicating the expected students/teachers activities in the cause of the lesson (content development is part of this record. Pedagogical skills employed by the teacher and a well thought out evaluation strategy is also covered. The lesson note/plan is the road map of the teacher that guides him/her through instruction.
This is the list that shows the day and time for every school subject for every class. It also indicates the topic for short breaks, long breaks. Periods for other general school activities that are not class specific such as labour and other extra-curricular activities are also indicated in the school time table. It is usually displayed where everyone can see it. Example, In the classroom, staff room and Principals office. It is a necessary guide for teachers, students and interest groups in the affairs of the school.
This is a book in which the date of all punishment awarded shall be entered by the Principal or senior teacher present. Also, it should include the nature of the offence and of the punishment, the identity of the teacher, administering the punishment and the name of the student punished. All punishment must be reasonable, taking into consideration the age and sex of the offender and the nature of the offence. Corporal punishment shall be administered only by the Principal or by a teacher authorised by him/her, provided that no female student shall receive corporal punishment by a male teacher.
This gives information on students and members of staff with outstanding performance. It also indicates their areas of excellence.
This is a time book, which provides column for data, serial number, name of staffs, time-in, signature, time-out, signature and remark. The purpose of the staff attendance register is to check truancy, punctuality and duration of staffs stay in the school for the day.
This is a record that shows the name of every visitor to the school, the time of visit, purpose and duration of visit.
Many useful purposes are served when record are accurately, tidily, honestly, and faithfully kept.
- Records serves as information bank for members of the school community as well as for people outside it.
- Parents are helped through record to know how their children behave and perform in the school through the report card.
- Record facilitates the work of auditors in checking on details of financial transactions.
- Record help a new school head to know what previously obtained in the school before embarking on changes.
- It enables the school head to maintain community in the general educational process, in a particular school program and in all areas of learning activities.
- It provides useful information on persons (staffs and students) and facts in important activities in the school.
- Record provides empirical base for objective assessment and evaluation of school performance by school inspectors.
- Date : Saturday July 21, 2007
- Time : 10am – 3pm
- Chairman : Prof. O.O. Eze.
- Chairlady : Chief (Mrs) C.A Ogbodo
- Guest speaker : Dr (Mrs) Ngozi Idem
Highlight of Events
10am – All invitees were seated
- Procession of staffs, special guest and graduants
- Opening prayer
- National Anthem and school Anthem
- Introduction of Chairman, Chairlady and guest
- Chairmans opening speech
- Principal’s report
- Guest speakers address
- Refreshments
- Presentation of prizes
- Songs, Cultural dance, Drama.
- Farewell speech by out going Head girl
- Response by Ag. Head girl
- Vote of thanks and closing prayer.
Write a record of any event whether in or out of school, you have kept before (witnessed). You may not have written them down but it’s still fresh in your memory.
Submit assignment at the school’s security post or via WhatsApp
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